Ashley’s New Event

Borough Hall 991 Pennsylvania Ave., Ivyland, PA, United States

This is the description

Light Your Luminaria

A longtime Ivyland tradition that makes our borough even more festive


Trash & Recycling Pickup

Get your cans out to the curb Monday evening for early Tuesday AM pickup.  More details on trash and recycling can be found here.  Some exceptions occur around holidays and those will be noted.


Finance Committee Meeting

Borough Hall 991 Pennsylvania Ave., Ivyland, PA, United States

The Finance Committee focuses on the Borough's receivables and expenditures and assists with planning and budgeting.  Residents who have questions or agenda items for the Committee can contact Chris Finello at


Public Safety Committee Meeting

Borough Hall 991 Pennsylvania Ave., Ivyland, PA, United States

The Pubic Safety Committee covers topics that impact the well-being and safety of our borough and its residents-Police, Fire Company, EMT and more. The committee meets the 1st Wednesday of every month. If you have a specific issue that you wish addressed, please email Mayor Tony Judice at


Parks And Recreation Committee Meeting

Borough Hall 991 Pennsylvania Ave., Ivyland, PA, United States

This Committee focuses on the Borough playgrounds and common space as well as Borough-sponsored recreational events and activities.  If you have a specific question, issue, agenda item or an idea you'd like to bring to the Committee's attention, please contact Committee Chairman Sal DiPaolo at


Planning Commission Meeting

The Planning Commission meets the 4th Thursday of every month and covers a wide number of topics impacting the community as a whole including infrastructure, land development, building planning, storm water management, economic development and more for both immediate concerns and long-range planning.   If you have questions or topics you would like them to address,

Zoning Hearing Board Meeting

PUBLIC NOTICE  - Notice is hereby given to all parties in interest that the Ivyland Zoning Hearing Board will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, March 11, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.  The hearing will be a virtual hearing on the platform. This Hearing is scheduled to consider an application of DVT Property Holdings, LLC

Easter Bunny Visits Ivyland

The Easter Bunny is Coming! Ivyland Park & Recreation Committee in conjunction with the Ivyland Fire Company is happy to announce that the Easter Bunny has agreed to visit our borough in a special event this year. Come out! say hello and receive an Easter candy treat from Peter Cottontail on Saturday, April, 3rd as


Monthly Ivyland Borough Council Meeting

Borough Hall 991 Pennsylvania Ave., Ivyland, PA, United States

Monthly Borough Council meetings are held in-person at Borough Hall.  We also simultaneously live stream the meetings to our Facebook site as a way to reach more residents who prefer to attend virtually. Past meeting recordings and minutes can be found here.

Ivyland 5K

Iyland Presbyterian Church 51 Gough Avenue, Ivyland, PA, United States

1 Mile Fun Run - starts at 8:00 am 5K - starts at 8:30 am Ivyland is opening its streets and its hearts to runners of all ages. Records will be broken, pancakes will be eaten, dogs will bark and people will cheer. Consider this your personal invitation to be part of the biggest sporting

Planning Commission Meeting

The Planning Commission meets the 4th Thursday of every month and covers a wide number of topics impacting the community as a whole including infrastructure, land development, building planning, storm water management, economic development and more for both immediate concerns and long-range planning.  Until further notice these meetings will be held virtually.  If you have