Ivyland Fire Company Coin Drop

Coin Drop Bristol and Jacksonville Roads, Ivyland, PA, United States

Coin Drop Fundraiser Friday November 25, 2022 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Corner of Jacksonville & Bristol Roads Every little bit makes a difference.  Dig up that loose change and drop it in!

Pancake Breakfast With Santa & Mrs. Claus

Ivyland Fire Company 62 Wilson Ave, Ivyland, PA, United States

The Ivyland Fire Company brings back this holiday favorite event - a pancake breakfast with Santa!  Come out with the whole family and enjoy the best pancakes in the borough and a special visit from old St. Nick himself and Mrs. Claus, too.  Fun, photo ops and more to get you in the holiday spirit.

Santa Comes to Ivyland

We are happy to report that Santa and Mrs. Claus will be making a special pre-Christmas visit to our borough again this year!  Come out and say hello. Schedule: Ivyland Meadows – 9:30 to 9:45 Ivyland Village – 9:50 to 10:20 Ivyland Borough – 10:25 to 11:25 Willard, Wilson, Gough, Lincoln and Chase Avenues Pennsylvania


Trash & Recycling Pickup

Get your cans out to the curb Monday evening for early Tuesday AM pickup.  More details on trash and recycling can be found here.  Some exceptions occur around holidays and those will be noted.


State Rep. Brian Munroe’s Staff in Ivyland

Borough Hall 991 Pennsylvania Ave., Ivyland, PA, United States

State Representative Brian Munroe will have a staff member available for constituent assistance the second Tuesday of each month March through December from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Borough Office Meeting Room 991 Pennsylvania Ave. Brian and his office are here to help.


Parks And Recreation Committee Meeting

Borough Hall 991 Pennsylvania Ave., Ivyland, PA, United States

This Committee focuses on the Borough playgrounds and common space as well as Borough-sponsored recreational events and activities.  If you have a specific question, issue, agenda item or an idea you'd like to bring to the Committee's attention, please contact Committee Chairman Sal DiPaolo at sdipaolo@ivylandborough.org.


Trash & Recycling Pickup

Get your cans out to the curb Monday evening for early Tuesday AM pickup.  More details on trash and recycling can be found here.  Some exceptions occur around holidays and those will be noted.


Planning Commission Meeting

The Planning Commission meets the 4th Thursday of every month and covers a wide number of topics impacting the community as a whole including infrastructure, land development, building planning, storm water management, economic development and more for both immediate concerns and long-range planning.   If you have questions or topics you would like them to address,


Trash & Recycling Pickup

Get your cans out to the curb Monday evening for early Tuesday AM pickup.  More details on trash and recycling can be found here.  Some exceptions occur around holidays and those will be noted.

Ivyland Borough Egg Hunt

Borough Hall 991 Pennsylvania Ave., Ivyland, PA, United States

Due to weather concerns, the Ivyland Borough Egg Hunt is rescheduled for Sunday April 2nd at 1PM on the lawn outside of the Borough Building on 991 Pennsylvania Ave. We ask that parents deliver 1 dozen treat filled plastic eggs to the Borough Hall by Friday March 31st or by 10am Saturday at the latest. 


Trash & Recycling Pickup

Get your cans out to the curb Monday evening for early Tuesday AM pickup.  More details on trash and recycling can be found here.  Some exceptions occur around holidays and those will be noted.


Public Safety Committee Meeting

Borough Hall 991 Pennsylvania Ave., Ivyland, PA, United States

The Pubic Safety Committee covers topics that impact the well-being and safety of our borough and its residents-Police, Fire Company, EMT and more. The committee meets the 1st Wednesday of every month. If you have a specific issue that you wish addressed, please email Mayor Tony Judice at ajudice@ivylandborough.org.